Saturday, May 29, 2004

I've been so terribly busy lately that I haven't had the time to recap what's been going on in my life. Since Monday, I've either been working late or sleeping extremely late and as a result, am absolutely exhausted.

On Tuesday, I ended up winning a pair of tickets to the Black Eyed Peas concert. Coloured me exhilirated yet unenthused - I had something due the next day and wanted to work late so that I could finish it off the day after and get it in. I was even contemplating giving the tickets away just so my friends could enjoy it, but a couple of people convinced me to stop working so hard and just go enjoy the show since I'd been meaning to see it prior to the heavy workload I'm under right now. It was a brilliant show - the Peas are clearly great live performers. Fergie exudes stage presence and sexuality, while the others - Taboo, Apl de Ap and - are all fantastic MCs with a great sense of dancing - either breakdancing or some other funky style. I screamed so much that till this day, my voice - not my throat - still hurts.

On Wednesday, I ended up working till 3.30 am. I came in for work on Thursday at 11 am (two hours later than usual) and left work at 12 midnight. On Friday, I came in at 8.20 am (40 mins earlier than usual) and left work at 8.45 pm. On the plus side, I went to Zouk to watch Maestro, a movie on the beginnings of dance music and dance culture. I don't know why but I love watching all these movies about the origins of pop culture, most notably dance music. It was really cool getting to see something that was so new and so different back in then such that there was no name for it. I wish I get to experience something like that some day. There was free flow of Martell, but one Martell Green Tea almost knocked me out (since my tolerance goes down tremendously when I'm so physically tired).

On Saturday, I went for my 11 am facial appointment and conked out pretty much after I lay down. My aesthetician said that I must have been very tired since I just fell asleep really quickly. So since I didn't have any pimples to extract, she worked on making my face more radiant. Thanks, dearie. I really needed that.

And I finally got to wear my Miss Sixty dress - to a former colleague's wedding. There're always so many people at the wedding dinner that I find myself wondering whether I'll be able to find that many people to invite to my own wedding... whenever that may be!

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