Thursday, September 29, 2005

Having at one stage in my life wanted to be a marine biologist, it was with a sense of delight that I saw the first photographs of live giant squids (first seen via Boing Boing for me) made the front page of The Straits Times. While checking out Google News for more details on this find, I stumbled upon this article from the Scotsman: Suckers for gay trysts, fiery females and rough sex - squid secrets exposed.

Apparently, female squids are not keen on getting injected with sperm, which makes it a bit of a problem for male squids which are 2/3 the size of the females. So to get around this, the males have been equipped with a particularly long penis which enables them to inject the female while staying away from her chomping beak.

But, this appears to be quite a formidable task, as "it seems that co-ordinating eight legs, two feeding tentacles and a huge penis, whilst fending off an irate female, is a bit too much to ask, and one of the two males stranded on the Spanish coast had accidentally injected himself with sperm packages in the legs and body."

Hoo boy.

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