Monday, November 21, 2005

The Times reports:
More than a third of people [in Britain] believe that a woman is totally or partially responsible for being raped if she has behaved in a flirtatious manner, a survey [by Amnesty International] has found. Women’s rights groups said that they were astounded and saddened by the findings, which appear to reflect widespread misconceptions that women are sexually available and that some men simply cannot help themselves.

No one asks to be raped. If I choose to wear sexy clothing or flirt with someone or even just drink alcohol, it doesn't give you the license to do as you will with me. Nor does it give other people the right to judge me and say I deserved what I got given how I was dressed or how I was behaving.

I thought we were living in an enlightened society and it sickens me to see how Nearderthal we are in our treatment of rape and rape victims.

And I am fully in favour of the death penalty when it comes to serial rapists. A murderer may take away your life, but a rapist takes away your soul and your sense of self. No one deserves that no matter what the circumstances are.

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