Sunday, December 28, 2003

A comment about Love Me If You Dare:

This may be an irrelevant point, or at least, an issue that the director hadn't intended to touch upon during the film, but it felt to me that perhaps he was trying, in a small way, to compare the lives of Julien and Sophie with those around them - Julien's stern and rigid father who undoubtedly cares for his son, but doesn't seem to be able to show it in ways other than yelling at Julien, and Julien's wife, who calls Julien back three times on his way to work to get him to take out the garbage, the garbage can and then finally, to kiss her. While leading a completely hedonistic and reckless life isn't good, Yann Samuel was also trying to tell us that being able to disregard social norms and just be is one of the most joyous, liberating feelings in life. And that is what the reviewer meant by saying that watching the show made you want to "go out and play too."

And right now, three days after having watched the movie, I feel that way. I so feel that way. Misbehaving is one of the best feelings in the world; it gives me such a rush and I feel wild, untamed and free, unrestrained by anything. As the movie puts it, it's "better than the Kamasutra, George Lucas's trilogies, the end of Thelma and Louise and Brazil combined, Marilyn Monroe, Cindy Crawford's beauty mark, Bill Gates's fortune, Hendrix's solo, Woodstock, Sade, Rimbaud, freedom or life itself."

Too bad that we so frequently make resolutions that we'll strive to be better people, to be more well-behaved, to be less impulsive and rash.

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