Instead, let me gush on about the hottest guy I have ever seen in my life (or so far as I recall): Daniel from the Hot Shots. Tall, blond, blue-eyed, friendly, nice accent and a great dancer. In other words, more than perfect. The funny thing is, he's only hot whenever he wears his spectacles. Otherwise, I wouldn't have noticed him at all. It took a great amount of courage on my part to walk up to him yesterday night and get a photo with him, half making up some story to explain why I wanted his photo, because damn it, that man knows he's good-looking. And he was very nice and almost cheeky about it too. If only there were some way that I'd get to go out on a date and dance with him, and seriously, I'd be on cloud nine for many many many days.
Here's a photo of him, taken from the Hot Shots' web site (obviously, he's the only man in the photo):

In case you're wondering why it is that I chat up good looking guys and all that, let me chalk it up to this: I didn't really consider myself as being all that good-looking until some time during university. In fact, quite the opposite. Those who know me personally may be rather astonished on learning that, but when you've had a guy call you up to taunt you about being ugly during your junior college days (in respose to my rejecting a friend of his who had bet a couple of hundred dollars that he could get me to go out with him, but I didn't know this until much later) , I'd say you'd probably react the same way I did, which is half believe that he's correct until one day, you believe in yourself more and start ignoring your detractors. So when I find someone who blows me away like Daniel or the guy in my office, I will go out on a limb and seize the moment because well, life's too short and I have enough confidence in my own attributes and the general niceness of people. I don't care if you consider me as being excessively frivolous or bimbotic because I know I'm not, and if I don't succeed in getting to my objective, at least it's not for want of trying.
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