Wednesday, August 23, 2006

As I've mentioned in a previous post, I absolutely adore listening to Flirty at 9.30 on Capital FM. London isn't an obviously romantic city, but that programme makes you believe that it has got to be full of life, love and other romantic things.

For this week and the next, they're running a 'Best of Flirty' while James Cannon, the DJ who hosts the show and who came up with the idea, is away.

Yesterday's rerun was an especially nice one. Mary has worked with David for three years… and has fancied him for the same amount of time. But because they've known each other for a while, and they are work colleagues, Mary asked James to ask David out on her behalf.

James went through the usual routine, describing Mary to David and when David realised who she was, the following exchange occurred.
David: You can’t be talking about Mary, can you?
James: I am talking about Mary.
D.: Oh my God!
J.: She’s asked me to ask you out on a date.
D.: Yeah, definitely! What a result!
J.: Really?
D.: Absolutely! Oh my God!

Later on:
J.: Why haven’t you asked her out in three years then?
D.: (in the cutest, most sincere shy voice ever) Oh… I’m very shy.
J.: Really?
D.: (laughs sheepishly) Yeah…

I'm a sucker for these kind of happy endings. And if you are any kind of romantic, I urge you to go to the Flirty at 9.30 podcast page and listen to the replay of this call. David's shy tone of voice made me go 'aww....' and I'm sure it'll do the same to you.

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