Monday, May 17, 2010

What a start to the week. I was meant to have a date with JC tonight, so I took the effort to dress up, even though it was Monday, a day on which I traditionally wear a suit, or something office-y. Not that what I chose wasn't office-y; it was an Alaia bandage dress, with a white blouse on top, over the dress, and a taupe jacket, all in all, making me look rather chic and sexy, though acceptable for the office.

Instead, JC was not well, resulting in yet another rescheduled date. Game-playing, a part of me wonders? That's twice now that he's done that, the first time being over a week ago when he'd forgotten he had a family dinner.

Now, I have a rule of three. Accidents happen in threes. Third time's the charm, and, of course, strike three, you're out. I'm getting a little tired of that rule. Maybe I should just make it a rule of two.

Then, maybe next time, I'll avoid the indignity of having left the flat all dressed up, only to spend the night de-icing my fridge.

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